Breakfast today: chicken slider jr OR cereal, fruit, juice, milk
Lunch today: walking taco with Doritos OR hamburger OR pizza
OR pb & j, lettuce & tomato, salsa, corn, red grapes, milk, salad bar
Fort Scott Tiger Football is hosting the Regional round of the KSHSAA playoffs! The Tigers will host Tonganoxie tomorrow night and the FSHS Student Council has received donations from several local businesses that will allow ALL USD 234 K-12 students to attend the Home Playoff Football game for free! Kickoff is at 7:00 and gates will open at 5:00. High School students will need to enter the North gate! Also, the Class of 2026 is responsible for the concession stand Friday night and workers are needed! Junior students/parents: sign up for a shift in Mrs. Knopp’s room!
Congratulations to the Student and Teacher/Staff Member of the Week honorees for this week, selected by FSHS Student Council!
Students: Kylee Comstock, Kyndal Aikin & Gabrielle Majors!
Teacher: Mr. Feeback!
Staff Member: Coach Stepps!
Two-a-day practices begin two weeks from today on November 18th. The first is before school from 6:20-7:30 a.m. and the second is after school from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Additionally, Coach Martin will have workouts for you over Thanksgiving break.
Applications for HOBY are now available to current Sophomores. If interested, please see Mr. Messer in the office to get an application. Deadline for completed applications is MONDAY!
Next Wednesday, November 13th, a K-State representative will be in the building to visit with interested students during PM Tiger Time in the auditorium.
On Monday, November 18th, a PSU rep will be in the Commons during PM Tiger Time.
Mrs. Chesney! Dakotta Foulk! Daetyn Fowler!
Crimson yearbook staff needs to know if you have a preferred name to use in the yearbook captions/articles. If so, complete this form:
Buy your 2025 Crimson Yearbook for $55 by November 30th before prices increase! Here’s the link: FSHS 2025 Yearbook Purchase
- Please fill out this form for your activities to be published next to your senior portrait in the yearbook: Senior Activities in Yearbook
- Senior Portraits are due by November 30th (or email us the date you will be able to submit - we cannot guarantee portraits will be placed if not received by December). Please have your photographer email them to FSHS Yearbook Portraits must be vertical head shot with any background but with no props/objects. Email with any questions.
- Senior Tributes in the yearbook can be purchased online at FSHS Yearbook Senior Salute Just click on "Get Started" at the bottom of page to order a Senior Ad. Deadline is December 6th or until available space is filled.