
The USD # 234 Board of Education is asking patrons to consider a change to how Board of Education members are selected. Currently, each member is chosen from a specific area within the district boundaries and all voters within the district vote on every position. This was done years ago when consolidation was done and the district wanted to have representation from the different school communities: Winfield Scott, Eugene Ware, and rural schools like Fulton.

Today, all students in the district attend all our schools. No attendance center boundaries exist any longer. In recent years, we have had to fill positions on the Board of Education due to death, movement of members out of the district, changes in job responsibilities, and retirement. The district has found it difficult to find people to run for the Board of Education based on these specific areas that were designated years ago. Consequently, we only have six board members right now.

We are asking the community to consider changing all our Board of Education members to at-large seats. This will allow people in any area of the district to run for the Board of Education.

Some concerns have been voiced that all the board members could be elected from one neighborhood. Theoretically, that could be possible. However, it has not occurred in the districts that use the at-large format. In fact, the makeup of those boards often are more diverse.

What would that look like? Next year, the district will have four positions open. Anyone interested in becoming a board member can file for a position. Suppose six people decide to run for the board. Then, the ballot next November will list all six people and voters will select four candidates they would like to have on the Board of Education. The four with the most votes, then become board members no matter where they live within the district boundaries.