Jon Barnes, FSHS Social Studies Teacher, was recognized for being nominated for the Kansas Horizon Award by USD 234. Mr. Barnes is in his second year of teaching.
A bit about Jon:
The best part of Jon's school day- "The best part of my day is when I get to interact with students and have a positive attitude. People tell me all the time that I’m always happy or in a good mood, and it’s because I love working around our kids, but I always start my day in a great mood because every day this year, I’ve gone down to greet a few kids as they come into the gym with Coach Young, and his positivity motivates me to be that same way. "
Jon's Family- "My family is so awesome. Mom is obviously around a lot more, and she goes above and beyond to spend time with me, and plan family things for the rest of our family in Fort Scott. She lets me send my dog home for the weekend once in a while, and then brings food that dad makes back with her. "
Fun fact about Jon- " The cliché for me is to just give my height because I’m really tall, but that just seems like such a cop-out answer. Fun fact: my favorite place on earth is Allen Fieldhouse."