As all of you are aware, we under extreme heat warnings for most of this week. So, I want to let you know about some precautions we are taking to keep our kids safe. At the elementary schools, the afternoon recess times will be either inside or, if outside, no longer than 15 minutes. If your child is susceptible to becoming overheated, please let your child’s teacher know so accommodations can be made to have an indoor recess.
As far as middle school and high school activities, we are altering practice times to accommodate for the heat. Starting tomorrow, all outdoor high school practices will begin at 6:00 a.m. or a little before. Tonight, teams will practice later in the evening with limited times outside. Gyms will be used as much as possible.
Middle school practices will be held inside. Football players may go outside for a short period of time if they go outside at all.
If your child rides a bus, please help us by sending a water bottle with them in the morning. The buses will be hot in the afternoon even with the windows down. We will ask that kids have their water bottles filled prior to getting on the bus in the afternoon.
The safety of our students is our number one priority. Please help us by making sure your kids drink plenty of water and have water bottles available to them at school and on the buses. Thank you and have a safe week!