Hallway Scene - Fort Scott High School

Superintendent Destry Brown

Destry Brown,

Superintendent of Schools

About Our Superintendent

Destry Brown joined USD 234 as Superintendent of Schools in 2022. With him came a series of accolades (Distinguished Service Award (year), Kansas School Superintendent Assoc.; & Kansas Superintendent of the Year Finalist (2012), Kansas State Department of Education) and 30+ years of experience in educational leadership. That’s not the only experience he brings to the District, however: Mr. Brown has the unique experience of being a Fort Scott Tiger himself, beginning when he was just five years old as a student at Winfield Scott Elementary. 

Mr. Brown is a native of Fort Scott and has spent decades serving in and leading districts across Kansas and Missouri. He made it no secret when learning he was selected to lead USD 234; however that he was pleased to be coming home to Fort Scott.

“I grew up in Fort Scott, and my parents have had a store downtown for 40+ years,” Mr. Brown reminisced. “I’ve always loved this community and the people who invested in my growing up. This is where I’ve always wanted to be, and so I’m glad to have found my way back home to Fort Scott Schools.”

As he stands at the helm of Fort Scott Schools, Mr. Brown’s guiding leadership principle is simple: value others. 

“Most issues can be resolved through communication and the desire to build genuine relationships built on trust and respect,” Mr. Brown said. 

No relationships are more important to Mr. Brown than those he strikes with students, teachers, and community members. That’s probably why he’s become known across the state as a Superintendent who knows how to dig into a district, then collaboratively develop positive changes that will impact the entire system for good. 

That’s no simple task though, especially when you have a schedule like Mr. Brown’s - he’s always on the go! Mr. Brown loves to spend time in classrooms and visiting with students, but he’s also leading meetings with principals, directors, and district operations personnel daily. These responsibilities, plus the constant stream of phone calls, emails, and attending student activities and community events, makes for a careful balancing act! Mr. Brown takes it in stride, however. 

“You know, most people don’t know that summer is one of the busiest times of the year for a Superintendent and the District Office,” Mr. Brown said. ”There’s so much preparation that has to be done for the coming year, onboarding new staff members and ensuring we’re ready to host the next year’s Tigers. It’s not a time to kick back in your desk chair and relax - it’s a full sprint to the coming school year!”

Despite the long hours and weighty decisions requiring his input, Mr. Brown assures us that it’s all worth it. 

“I want students to graduate from our schools with confidence that they have the skills and support necessary to be successful in the next phase of life and beyond,” said Mr. Brown. “And the staff that poured into them and helped develop them into who they will become? I want them to know they’re appreciated and valued by the District and this entire community. After all, I know I wouldn’t be who I am today were it not for educators here at Fort Scott.”

When he’s not at the Board Office or making his rounds at the schools, you’ll find Mr. Brown spending time cooking, traveling, and enjoying quality time with his family. He also loves history and has quite an impressive collection of historic portraits of US Presidents. When asked what he enjoys most about his free time here in Fort Scott, Mr. Brown’s answer was simple: being back home with the people and community he loves most.

Welcome Destry Brown, Superintendent!